In the finance context, we assess the current integration level of human rights in core business activities and provide suggestions on how to build human rights capacities in financial institutions. We also write and publish case studies to highlight existing best practices and enhance our understanding of the decision-making processes of financial institutions in connection with human rights implementation.

Human Rights in the Finance Industry

Plant that seems to grow from coins

The finance sector plays a central role in advancing global sustainability and implementing the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. It can influence the reshaping of markets and economic systems to make them more sustainable and more attuned to the societal and environmental needs of people and the planet.

At the GCBHR, we focus our attention on the approach to and impact of financial institutions on issues related to human rights – an area that has received relatively little attention thus far. As sustainable finance is becoming the new norm entering the mainstream, it is important to understand how the core activities of financial institutions, from lending and project financing to wealth and asset management, impact the human rights of a range of stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, communities, and society at large.

Our objective

Lilach Trabelsi presenting a project in front of an audience
Event “Human Rights in the Finance Industry” on Dec. 10, 2019

We support the integration of human rights into the core activities of companies operating in the finance industry, taking into account needs arising at different levels, be they at the individual employee level, the organizational level, or the industry level.

Our activities

Dorothée Baumann-Pauly presenting the event “Measuring Human Rights for Investors” at Building Bridges 2022
Event “Measuring Human Rights for Investors” during Building Bridges 2022 (Credit Mark Henley/Building Bridges)

We work on projects to map and better understand the current levels of implementation of human rights in the finance industry. Doing so enables us to not only assess the present approach and generate insights, but also to identify existing gaps and provide suggestions for financial institutions on how to build their human rights capacity.

We also write and publish case studies to highlight existing best practices and enhance our understanding of the decision-making processes of financial institutions as they relate to the integration of human rights into their core activities.

Additionally, we organize and participate in events on the topic of sustainable finance to discuss and advance human rights in the finance sector. We have been working with partners from academia, civil society, and financial institutions.

Key Activities and Publications

Speakers during the event “Beyond Green - Integrating Human Rights in the Sustainable Finance Agenda” at Building Bridges 2022
Event “Beyond Green - Integrating Human Rights in the Sustainable Finance Agenda” during Building Bridges 2021 (Credit Pascale Chavaz)

Human Rights in the European Finance Industry

In this joint project with Finance & Human Rights, commissioned by Luxembourg for Finance, we examine how banks and asset managers in Europe are currently addressing their human rights responsibilities through their core business activities and identify implementation gaps. Our first report (2020) How are European financial institutions addressing human rights in their activities? (PDF) was followed by a second one Sustainable Finance and Human Rights: How are European Financial Institutions Addressing Human Rights in their Activities? (PDF) in 2022.

Benchmarking Financial Institutions’ Communication on Human Rights

In this joint project with the University of Sydney, we adapted the human rights benchmarking methodology for the finance sector developed by the University of Sydney to the Swiss context. We analyzed publicly available documents of key Swiss financial institutions to understand how they communicate externally about human rights. Download our report Benchmarking Financial Institutions’ Communication on Human Rights: How are European Financial Institutions Addressing Human Rights in their Activities? (PDF).

IFM Investors

In collaboration with colleagues from the University of Technology Sydney, we helped one of the leading global asset managers, IFM Investors, define their human/labour rights strategy. The work included a benchmark of competitors and best-practices and working with different asset classes on key objectives to generate a positive impact across their investment.

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