Putting the S in ESG

While sustainable development is often characterized as an environmental concept, it is actually a multidimensional concept that equally weighs social, economic and environmental considerations. This comprehensive approach is inherent in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The globe is facing multiple crises that are making it increasingly apparent that environmental and social issues are intrinsically connected and must be tackled in tandem. The finance industry and regulators have made considerable progress on measuring and incorporating the environmental impact but still struggles with social factors. In fact more than half of global institutional investors last year said social issues were the most difficult to assess and integrate into their investment analysis.

This webinar provides an overview of the factors that should be considered in the “S” of ESG. It explores how social issues can be addressed throughout the investment process from pre-investment screening to engagement and will look at the challenges that need to be addressed to properly incorporate the “S” into sustainable finance approaches.

Date: Thursday, 15 September 2022
Time: 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Location: Online

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  • Belinda Gan, ESG Investment Director, Capital Group

  • Martijn Oosterwoud, Lead ESG Specialist, UBS Group Sustainability and Impact

  • Patricia Richter, Senior Technical Officer for Social Finance, International Labour Organization

  • Juan Salazar, Senior Engagement Specialist, Pictet