As part of the Geneva School of Economics and Management, we are surrounded by talented students who are motivated to support our work. If you are a business school student interested in gaining experience in business and human rights, learn more here.

The GCBHR contributes to the academic discourse on business and human rights by publishing research reports, participating in academic conferences, by supporting the research projects of emerging BHR scholars, and by advocating for BHR education in business schools. If you are an academic interested in exploring BHR-related research with us, learn more here.

We work with companies to better understand their specific human rights challenges. We offer them a safe space to discuss the difficulties they face in integrating human rights into their operations and support them in sharing their insights with industry peers and other stakeholders. Learn more here.

If you would like to advance human rights in business practice and business education, you can support our work in several ways. Learn more here.