
One of the core values of the Geneva School of Economics and Management is the promotion of responsible management practices. If you are a business school student interested in gaining experience in business and human rights, you can:

take a class

The GCBHR’s director, Prof. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, teaches business and human rights as part of the Bachelor in Economics and Management, the Master of Science in Responsible Management programs, as well as in the Master of Science in Commodity Trading degrees.

enroll in a project

The GCBHR works directly with students on projects involving companies or institutions for which they can earn academic credit. For instance, we offer the Business and Human Rights Clinic (BHR Clinic) as part of the Master in Responsible Management. Find out more about the BHR Clinic under our focus area on business education.

pursue an internship

International organizations based in Geneva frequently ask us for candidate referrals to fill internships. Please email us in case you are interested in an internship with our Center or an international organization.

Apply for the BHR YRS

Apply for the Business and Human Rights Young Researchers Summit (BHR YRS). If you are a PhD student, this is an additional path to engaging with us. Since 2016, we have collaborated with the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights and the Institute for Business Ethics at the University of St Gallen in hosting a summit for PhD students that work on business and human rights topics.