
To launch the GCBHR, we have benefitted from the generous seed funds provided by the University of Geneva. The University’s continued commitment to our institution covers basic core funding needs but all our workstreams require additional funding.
We seek support from foundations, private donors, and company clusters.
If you would like to support our work, either through a specific project or general funding, please contact us to discuss all funding and collaboration options.

Please have a look at our brochure, impact report, and funding principles below.

Donations can be deducted from income in accordance with cantonal/territorial regulations.

GCBHR’s Brochure

First page of the GCBHR’s brochure

Have a look at the GCBHR’s Brochure (PDF).

GCBHR’s first impact report - 2019-2021

At the GCBHR, we strive to improve the lives of workers and communities where companies operate. We do this through conducting research that highlights how to advance human rights in corporate practice. First and foremost, we want our research to transform corporate conduct. But we also address policy makers, our colleagues in academia, and the interested public, especially consumers and investors.

In order to fulfill our mission, we have developed a methodology that aims at maximizing the impact of our work. Our first impact report “Striving for Impact - The Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights (PDF)” captures the GCBHR’s impact in the first two years since its launch in three main areas: research, engagement, and teaching.

GCBHR’s Funding Principles

  1. The GCBHR accepts funding from public or private organizations and individuals that share the core values of the Geneva School for Economics and Management – rigor, relevance, responsibility – and who are in compliance with the University of Geneva’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (PDF).

  2. The GCBHR follows the University of Geneva’s Guideline on Scientific Integrity (PDF) and conducts independent research. Funders must agree to refrain from any interference with its research process or outcomes.

  3. The GCBHR also follows the GSEM Directive on the Engagement with Industries Excluded from the UN Global Compact (PDF).

  4. All funding sources of the GCBHR are made transparent in its communications and publications.

  5. Core funds of the GCBHR are fully covered by the University of Geneva (e.g., the salary of its director and core team members).

  6. The GCBHR prioritizes neutral funding sources (e.g., from the Swiss government or foundations) over company funding, yet encourages engagement with companies for in-kind contributions to its research (e.g. access to data, interview partners, field research, etc.)

  7. The GCBHR also accepts funds for projects from individual companies, with a preference for cluster funding. Funds contributed by individual companies do not exceed 20% of its annual budget. However, funds from industry associations or collective platforms can exceed this 20% threshold.

  8. Individual companies cannot sponsor an entire focus area.

  9. All research conducted by GCBHR is published and owned by the University of Geneva.

  10. The GCBHR signs Memoranda of Understanding with all funding partners. These agreements reflect the above-outlined funding principles of the GCBHR.

  11. The logos and names of the GCBHR’s donors may be featured on the GCBHR’s website and/or printed materials, if agreed upon by both parties. The logos and names of the GCBHR and the Geneva School of Economics and Management may be featured on the donor’s website and/or printed materials, if agreed upon by all three parties.

GSEM Directive - Engagement with Industries Excluded from the UN Global Compact

Since December 2019, GSEM is an advanced signatory for the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). With this status, GSEM belongs to a group of business scholls that aspire to become model institutions for responsible mangement education.

PRME is a sub-initiative of the UN Global Compact (UNGC). The UNGC excludes certain high-risk industries from participation, including companies producing nuclear, chemical or biological weapons, antipersonnel landmines or cluster bombs, and tobacco products.

This directive aligns GSEM’s corporate engagement with the integrity policy of the UNGC and other UN organizations. It also corresponds with the policy of the University of Geneva.

GSEM and GSEM faculty therefore abstain from:

  • Accepting research funds from companies of excluded industries
  • Providing space at university job fairs for companies of excluded industries
  • Inviting company representatives from excluded industries to guest lectures