
We work with companies to better understand business practices and implementation human rights challenges. We offer companies a safe space to discuss the difficulties they face in integrating human rights into their operations and support them in sharing their insights with industry peers and other stakeholders. If you are a company representative, you can:

Enquire about corporate training

Enquire about our corporate training which we can tailor to your industry, your company, one corporate function (such as procurement), or a specific human rights issue.

Propose a research project

Propose a collaborative research project to examine a particular human rights issue in your industry or country.

Request a study

Request an expert study and discussion on a company-specific implementation challenge.

Participate in the BHR Clinic

Participate in this educational initiative and ask our students to solve real world human rights challenges for you in our Business and Human Rights Clinic.

pitch a case study

Pitch a case study based on an innovative business model or practice your company has implemented that aligns business objectives with human rights principles. Check out the GCBHR case study series.