Collaborative Partnerships for Effective Due Diligence: Turning Learnings into Policy

As part of the Responsible Business Alliance European Conference on the theme “Delivering Due Diligence - Bridging Policy and Practice”, Prof. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly speaks during the session entitled “Collaborative Partnerships for Effective Due Diligence: Turning Learnings into Policy”, exploring under which conditions collaborative partnerships and initiatives support effective due diligence.

What are the key ingredients for successful collaborative initiatives? How can they transform individual companies’ due diligence efforts? What are effective ways of incentivizing collaboration on due diligence through policy and legislation? These are some of the questions that are raised.

Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Time: 4:35 - 5:45 pm
Location: Online

Download the full agenda.


  • Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, Geneva Centre for Business and Human Rights, Director
  • Stefan Crets, CSR Europe, Executive Director
  • Christian Ewert, Amfori, President
  • Rob Lederer, Responsible Business Alliance, CEO

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