L’Ethiopie, ce lion africain déclassé

Ethiopia: the economic miracle is threatened by the Covid-19 and the Tigray War. The country has just asked for debt relief from the G-20. According to Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, this is an opportunity to put pressure on Addis Ababa to give the United Nations access to the Tigray region, request the end of the blackout and demand and independent human rights investigation as a condition for debt relief.

Dorothée Baumann-Pauly is interviewed by Simon Petite for Le Temps.

Click to read L’Ethiopie, ce lion africain déclassé.

Seamstresses in Hawassa Industrial Park in southern Ethiopia on November 17, 2017.
Seamstresses in Hawassa Industrial Park in southern Ethiopia on November 17, 2017. © REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri