Expert Panel on Modern Slavery and Book Launch
There are nearly 25 million people trapped in forced labour around the world and 16 million are exploited in the private economy. These are workers at the bottom of global supply chains- producing the coffee, chocolate, computers, jewellery, car parts - that are part of our daily lives.
Hosted by the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights and the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, this expert panel discusses business strategies to identify, analyze and resolve risks for modern slavery in global supply chains.
This panel discussion also provides an opportunity to launch Justine Nolan and Martijn Boersma’s book “Addressing Modern Slavery” (2019).
Date: Tursday, November 21, 2021
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Location: University of Geneva, UniMail, Room 3250
Scroll down to watch the video.
Cindy Berman - Ethical Trading Initiative
Auret van Heerden - NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights
Luiz Antonio Machado - International Labour Organization (ILO)
Prof. Justine Nolan - UNSW Australia