World Trade Forum - Multilateralism at risk

Hosted by the World Trade Institute (WTI) and co-organised with the European University Institute (EUI), Florence, and the Swiss Network of International Studies (SNIS), the two-day conference at the University of Bern is attended by over 160 trade practitioners, scholars, and representatives of international and non-governmental organisations.

This conference’s focus is on the factors putting the multilateral trading system at risk. As part of this conference, Prof. Dorothée Baumann-Pauly is one of the panelists of the plenary session on the theme “The ILO at 100, the fourth industrial revolution, trade and employment”.

Dates: 25-26 October 2019
Location: University of Bern, Switzerland

Program (PDF)


Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, University of Geneva’s Center for Business and Human Rights, NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights
Jean-Jacques Elmiger, SECO
Renate Hornung-Draus, Confederation of German Employers’ Associations
Sangheon Lee, International Labour Organization (ILO)
Esther Lynch, European Trade Union Confederation